A Gaterhing of Four

A Gathering of Four
A Gathering of Four is a collaboration from four Austrian Gothic/Black Metal Bands. Each of them provided one or more song‘s to give an overview of their history. The sampler was produces by Running Wild Productions and can be ordered on their Bandcamp shop. You also can order this from me via EMail (see contacts). Band links Adders Fork AddersFork.BandCamp.com FaceBook.com/AddersForkOfficial In Dornen RunningWildProductions.Bandcamp.com/album/Trauer FaceBook.com/InDornen Dea Artio DeaArtio.BandCamp.com FaceBook.com/DeaArtioOfficial

01. ADDER´S FORK — Memorial Ruins

02. ADDER´S FORK — The Fatalist (A coming Dark)

03. ADDER´S FORK — The Individualist

04. ADDER´S FORK — We stare into the fading Sun

05. DEA ARTIO — Nur die Sterne über dir (AGoF version)

06. DEA ARTIO — … und Sturm zieht auf (Edit)

07. IN DORNEN — Mein letzter Blick zu den Sternen (Edit)

08. IN DORNEN — Mein letzter Tag


10. WINTER´S BREATH — Winter´s wicked Wrath (Edit)

11. WINTER´S BREATH — Zerstörer

Track list